January 14, 2022
Mary DeTurris Poust
Stories this photo appears in:

A radical Gospel idea then and now
Caring for strangers: It was radical when Jesus preached it; it is radical today.

Remaining faithful when God feels absent
Show up in daily prayer when you find yourself faltering in our troubled times

A world of endless thresholds
As we cross the threshold into a new year filled with things we can’t possibly see from our current vantage point, we have a choice about how we approach what’s ahead.
As we cross the threshold into a new year filled with things we can’t possibly see from our current vantage point, we have a choice about how we approach what’s ahead.

Waiting without hope
During difficult times, it can be near-impossible to trust that God has a plan greater than ours
During difficult times, it can be near-impossible to trust that God has a plan greater than ours

The thing with feathers
These delicate, fragile, seemingly insignificant natural wonders have something powerful to teach us

Mystical moments in the cheese aisle
We are all on the path together, and each of us has something to offer based on the way we have encountered God.

Choosing five minutes with Jesus
Every now and then, something happens to remind us of our absolute faith in God.

From seed to blossom
Make time for a retreat this summer and give everything over to God
Make time for a retreat this summer and give everything over to God

Welcoming the Wild Goose
As we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit, can we open ourselves up to the Spirit any way it chooses to show up?
As we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit, can we open ourselves up to the Spirit any way it chooses to show up?

God’s path of totality
Think back to those times in your life when you stood back and saw the hand of God on grand display before you.

Finding Jesus on the streets of Guatemala
It took a visit to this stunning developing country to call me back to what this Lenten journey is supposed to mean for me, for us.

This Lent, find the joy that is hiding in plain sight
We walk this journey together, even if we think we are walking alone.
We walk this journey together, even if we think we are walking alone.

The uncomfortable reality of the Advent message
Health scare made me ponder an uneasy truth that we all must face.
Health scare made me ponder an uneasy truth that we all must face.

Let go of fear and feel the peace
Take the time this autumn season to pause, breathe deep, and revel in the beauty and wonder that is yours in the moment
Take the time this autumn season to pause, breathe deep, and revel in the beauty and wonder that is yours in the moment

Leap across the threshold in your life
Our greatest strength comes when we view ourselves and others through the lens of compassion, gentleness and love.
Our greatest strength comes when we view ourselves and others through the lens of compassion, gentleness and love.

Paddling past our fears
Can you let go of the reins, and trust that God will take you across the rough waters and back to solid ground?
Can you let go of the reins, and trust that God will take you across the rough waters and back to solid ground?

Not as smart as we think
Smartphones and social media — despite the bad rap they continually get — contribute to my family's connection.
Smartphones and social media — despite the bad rap they continually get — contribute to my family's connection.

God is here, God is everywhere
Has the journey of Lent brought us closer to God? Closer to our true self? Closer to others?
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