Make Ordinary Time extraordinary this year
How might we grow and mature in faith in the weeks between the end of the Christmas season and the start of Lent?
The passing of a great pope
Pope Benedict XVI was no haughty ecclesiastical overlord! He was a realist and never flew above ground.
Who was Benedict XVI?
The promise God gives is that when it is time for every Holy Father to teach authoritatively on faith and morals, he will teach the truth
‘God has kept and will keep his promises’
A Christmas sermon for 2022.
Yours has been a noble work
A final remembrance of Catholic News Service.
We are called to trust in God
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Advent readings refocus our attention during the frenzied last days of the season.
In turbulent times, find the light all around us
We are approaching the mid-point of Advent, which, of course, includes the lighting of the rose-colored candle in our Advent wreath.
We belong to the One who is and was and is to come
Can we enjoy those moments of lighthearted joy even as we accept John’s message of repentance?
Four ways to grow the Church
So, we have our marching orders: proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ to all nations.
Next steps in the diocesan synod plan
AMICO: In this ongoing journey of discernment, we listen together to the voice of the Spirit as to God’s will for the Church.
In business for the common good
Catholic entrepreneurs have an imposing defender in Andreas Widmer.
Cronin: Women’s retreat set for Dec. 10 at St. Pius X Church in Loudonville.
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD