The gift comes in many ways, some obvious and others subtle to discern.
Finding grace and gratitude
The world can be a beautiful but difficult place; there is no need to go it alone. Jesus sent his disciples out two by two for a reason.
The three most important synod lessons … SO FAR
GUEST COLUMN: Universality does not mean uniformity. To be universal is to respond to the missionary call of Christ; to be uniform is to stifle the Spirit Christ sent.
The power of family
Families are the core of society and the reality is that many are suffering.
The wisdom of night prayer
Let ourselves step back, slipping into the silence of the night or the dawning of a new stage, trusting that what comes next has been prepared for us, too.
Encountering the Lord in the Parish
SEMINARIAN'S DIARY: After my first year in seminary, a fulfilling parish experience.
Beauty even in the fading
There will always be seasons to mourn, just as there will always follow seasons to dance.
Sweet autumn
Autumn has stunning gifts for us to experience but let them draw us on to the greater Mystery beyond.
Time to embrace 'courageous change'
When I pray and reflect on the state of our Church, a recurring challenge emerges each time — we don’t embrace change and we lack courage.
Diocesan Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Find out how you can get involved!
We all need real Sabbath
Being quiet is never about “quitting.” It just might be the most productive thing you can do.
The impact of fewer priests
We’ve got to face reality as it is. We’ve got to be patient and ready to change some of our worshiping habits.
A homeless man and an angel
Today something amazing happened to me.
How do we love like Christ?
The name of my column is “Everyday Evangelization” and I often think about the concept of what that means.
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250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD