February 26, 2025 at 11:01 a.m.
Lent is almost here!
It is amazing to think that this Sunday is not only the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C), but it is also the last Sunday before we begin, once again, the great season of Lent. Yes, Ash Wednesday is coming this Wednesday (March 5); so let us be ready for this!
Lent is very much a time of movement and of promise, just like our sense of the changing of the seasons and the hope of spring (as you may know, the word “Lent” is actually an ancient Anglo-Saxon word meaning “springtime”). We can also see Lent as a time of making wishes come true.
“Do not praise anyone before he speaks, for this is the way people are tested.” — Sirach 27:7
For example, I wish that I had more time to pray, or I wish that I could pray, or I wish that I could overcome this or that all too familiar fault or failing, or I wish that I let God into my life more, or I wish that a family squabble could be resolved. Lent can be a time when such wishes do not remain simply as wishes, but when they can become a reality.
We can see our readings this weekend almost as a movie or program trailer, or as an advertising flyer, for the coming season of Lent: “coming to you soon!” In the Gospel, Jesus continues to give his “Sermon on the Plain.” Our Lord’s words give us a number of very helpful pointers for the upcoming season of Lent.
First, if we want a yardstick or template of who we should be, we need look no further than our Lord. We are to be like our teacher; that is more like Christ. This involves a period of “training” or, perhaps rather, a life-long project of formation.
There are two significant things to note here. First, trying to imitate our Lord (teacher) will perfect or complete us, that is we will be put back to where we should be, or who we should be. This completeness or perfection is, therefore, above all a gift, although one that we should then use and live. All this will be so appropriate for our journey of Lent: to become more like our Lord.
Secondly, it is so easy to focus on the negative, or to see the faults of others, rather than to look inwards to our heart and soul. However, if we, with God’s help, try to grow in perfection and to be complete and fulfilled, then instead of always seeing the splinter in another’s eye or the negative, we can now perceive the wooden beam in our own eye and also see the good in others! In other words, we can clear our spiritual vision and see everything with new eyesight and insight.
Finally, let us make sure that with God’s love and grace, we bear good fruit. We do this by cultivating goodness in our hearts, rather than evil. A great practice during Lent — and really for every day — is to make an examination at the end of the day of our words and actions. What do they reveal about us? What is good and not so good? What should I do about it?
Indeed, during Lent we make that extra special effort, with God’s love and mercy, to work on areas in our lives that need help and growth. As we noted above, we can only do this with God’s help and love. We receive this help especially through being fed by the Eucharist and by His Word, and through celebrating the other sacraments such as reconciliation/confession.
Another other great thing about Lent is that we are not doing this alone. Everyone else in our parish communities and millions, billions of other Christians throughout the world are doing the same thing. When we set ourselves goals or undertake projects (diets, training, exercising or whatever), is it not so much easier when others join us in that project and help us to achieve our goals?
So, for all of us may this upcoming Lent be a very special time of renewal, refreshment and growth. Let us make use of all the many resources that are available, and let us also have a special focus; that is to be “pilgrims of hope,” the theme Pope Francis has given for this Jubilee Year. Whatever the weather may do during these coming weeks and whenever spring may arrive, may this coming season of Lent be for us a real “springtime of the soul.”
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