April 12, 2023
WORD OF FAITH: A breakdown of each week's upcoming Sunday readings to better understand the Word of God at Mass.
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The bond of Scripture and tradition
Tradition and Scripture are inseparable because they both flow from the same divine source.

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
If we are to be Christian in the world today, really Christian, we will suffer daily martyrdoms
If we are to be Christian in the world today, really Christian, we will suffer daily martyrdoms

The power of the ‘Word’
We are called to this community of believers and doers of the word.
We are called to this community of believers and doers of the word.

Overflowing joy!
Exploring the role of Mary during the wedding at Cana
Exploring the role of Mary during the wedding at Cana

Baptism – God’s extravagant gift
This Sunday, we are invited to reflect on our baptismal promises
This Sunday, we are invited to reflect on our baptismal promises

Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday’s Gospel demonstrates that the Holy One of God when he visits the Temple and instructs the teachers of the Law replaces the Holy of Holies.
Sunday’s Gospel demonstrates that the Holy One of God when he visits the Temple and instructs the teachers of the Law replaces the Holy of Holies.

Fourth Sunday of Advent
The question for us today is: Who is the Jesus whom we await?
The question for us today is: Who is the Jesus whom we await?

Third Sunday of Advent
We are back with St. John the Baptist, the bridge between the Old and New Testament
We are back with St. John the Baptist, the bridge between the Old and New Testament

Second Sunday of Advent
The proper way to view history is through the lens of kairos.
The proper way to view history is through the lens of kairos.

First Sunday of Advent
Perhaps now is the time to ask the question: Who is the Kingdom of God?
Perhaps now is the time to ask the question: Who is the Kingdom of God?

Give faithful witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ!
The Kingship of Jesus Christ calls us to lay down our lives on the cross in service to the kingdom of God

Hope is breaking in
Fear and anxiety do not have to govern our lives, we can be free from such worries if we accept God’s help.
Fear and anxiety do not have to govern our lives, we can be free from such worries if we accept God’s help.

The great covenant of redemption!
Jesus is the only one who can break the chains of sin and death once and for all through his sacrifice on the cross.
Jesus is the only one who can break the chains of sin and death once and for all through his sacrifice on the cross.

Can you see as Jesus sees?
Perhaps we can take time this week to sit by the roadside with Bartimaeus.

Looking with God’s perspective
Jesus looks at us with love, but still asks us to make hard decisions.

Be sure to use and share your gifts!
Our feet, our hands, our eyes, in fact, are gifts, but they are gifts to be used well.

Who is the greatest?
This Sunday, our Lord teaches us about a virtue that can be the antidote to an inflated sense of self-importance and ambition.
This Sunday, our Lord teaches us about a virtue that can be the antidote to an inflated sense of self-importance and ambition.

St. Peter’s profession of faith
What can we learn about Sunday's Gospel account? Jesus asks us the same questions as he asked his disciples and Saint Peter two millennia ago.
What can we learn about Sunday's Gospel account? Jesus asks us the same questions as he asked his disciples and Saint Peter two millennia ago.

Be opened!
This week, we read about a very human and moving encounter between Jesus and a man who was both unable to hear and unable to speak
This week, we read about a very human and moving encounter between Jesus and a man who was both unable to hear and unable to speak

The importance and impact of Mass
I’d like to propose that we need to see the Mass as the single most important thing of our day.

The lessons of St. Thomas Aquinas
Examining his immense and unique contribution to the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist
Examining his immense and unique contribution to the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist

Not what, but who is the Eucharist?
Let us examine the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Let us examine the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

A lesson on the Bread of Life
A short catechesis on the doctrines of the Eucharist and how best we might learn to appreciate the Real Presence of Christ in our lives.
A short catechesis on the doctrines of the Eucharist and how best we might learn to appreciate the Real Presence of Christ in our lives.

We are called to lead others to Jesus!
The 'Bread of Life Discourse' provides us John’s Eucharistic theology.
The 'Bread of Life Discourse' provides us John’s Eucharistic theology.

‘I will give you shepherds after my own heart’
This line is the standard for leadership in all areas of ministry in the Church
This line is the standard for leadership in all areas of ministry in the Church

Go, prophesy to my people
We all are called to surrender our wills to God
We all are called to surrender our wills to God

Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary?
Exploring the meaning of the titles we hear in the Scriptures for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Exploring the meaning of the titles we hear in the Scriptures for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

God cherishes life!
Jesus’ presence, his call to discipleship is within us. How do we heed that call?
Jesus’ presence, his call to discipleship is within us. How do we heed that call?

Awe and wonder!
The tempests and storms in our lives often fill us with fear and dread but Jesus is right there too.
The tempests and storms in our lives often fill us with fear and dread but Jesus is right there too.

Astonishing growth!
Jesus was a master at telling parables, but there was always a twist
Jesus was a master at telling parables, but there was always a twist

The paradox of family
Jesus says move beyond the limitations of blood family to embrace all people in love and care.
Jesus says move beyond the limitations of blood family to embrace all people in love and care.

The mystery of the Trinity
But why is this mystery so important and what can we say about the Trinity?
But why is this mystery so important and what can we say about the Trinity?

Pentecost and the practical gifts of the Holy Spirit
What exactly do we celebrate on Sunday on this great feast?
What exactly do we celebrate on Sunday on this great feast?

We are in a waiting room!
We are in the in-between time of the Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

The life and conversion of St. Paul
In our lives, we have to trust people. To give that second chance, within reason, to our brothers and sisters who have hurt us.

Preparing for the Holy Spirit!
There are many ways to experience the Holy Spirit!
There are many ways to experience the Holy Spirit!

His call to us
In our spiritual lives, in the covenant that Our Lord has made with us in our baptisms, it is the Lord who has made the first contact.

‘Peace be with you’
Jesus appears and says not words of anger and correction, words like you would have spoken if you had been betrayed by your closest friends.
Jesus appears and says not words of anger and correction, words like you would have spoken if you had been betrayed by your closest friends.

Jesus Christ is risen, Alleluia!
What longing and thirst do we have in our hearts for God?
What longing and thirst do we have in our hearts for God?

Let us all sing the song of the servant!
The suffering servant sings a song of courage as did the early Christian community

From God’s justice comes glory
A look at the life of St. Patrick can help us understand how God’s judgment can lead to God’s justice and glory.
A look at the life of St. Patrick can help us understand how God’s judgment can lead to God’s justice and glory.

Rejoice in a song of restoration
In the cycle A Gospel John 9:1-41, we hear of Jesus’ encounter with the man born blind and how this sign of restoration of his eyesight is the promise of how we will be born again in the waters of bap
In the cycle A Gospel John 9:1-41, we hear of Jesus’ encounter with the man born blind and how this sign of restoration of his eyesight is the promise of how we will be born again in the waters of baptism.

Call to transformation
Lent is an opportunity to attend to our transformation into Christ — to put on the heart and mind of Christ.

Lent: A time to remember and prepare!
Reflection helps us to pause and revisit these times with gratitude and new understanding.
Reflection helps us to pause and revisit these times with gratitude and new understanding.

Can we reach out and draw the circles of compassion wider and wider?
Can we reach out and draw the circles of compassion wider and wider?

God heals the brokenhearted!
Our faith knows that Jesus is present in the healing; our faith believes that in all the suffering and anguish Jesus is present giving us strength and hope.
Our faith knows that Jesus is present in the healing; our faith believes that in all the suffering and anguish Jesus is present giving us strength and hope.

Jesus teaches with authority, by words and actions
When we pray and reflect, this should then lead to resolutions about how we are to live our lives.
When we pray and reflect, this should then lead to resolutions about how we are to live our lives.

Being disciples: a relationship and a response
Jesus calls each one of us, personally, by name, to follow him and he has a unique and special purpose for each and every one of us that nobody else can do.
Jesus calls each one of us, personally, by name, to follow him and he has a unique and special purpose for each and every one of us that nobody else can do.

St. John the Baptist recognizes Jesus
We are certainly called to be disciples, recognizing who Jesus is.

The 2024 Epiphany
With the coming of the Savior, the obvious question is: Are we like King Herod or the Magi?
With the coming of the Savior, the obvious question is: Are we like King Herod or the Magi?

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
The foundations of family that are shared in our Scriptures are unchanging wisdom.
The foundations of family that are shared in our Scriptures are unchanging wisdom.

The promises of the Lord last forever!
Sunday's readings are a sweeping tour-de-force of salvation history and God’s faithfulness throughout the story
Sunday's readings are a sweeping tour-de-force of salvation history and God’s faithfulness throughout the story

Rejoice heartily!
The recognition of Jesus’ presence is the way that we can live in joy.
The recognition of Jesus’ presence is the way that we can live in joy.

The second week of Advent brings comfort and hope!
God comes in great humility and love to be among us and to save us. The good news is the arrival of the King of Glory — Jesus the Christ.
God comes in great humility and love to be among us and to save us. The good news is the arrival of the King of Glory — Jesus the Christ.

Advent: Waiting with Vigilance
This season is the remembering of Jesus’ birth and the anticipation of the second coming of the Christ.
This season is the remembering of Jesus’ birth and the anticipation of the second coming of the Christ.

Matthew’s Gospel and the Final Judgment
The reign or kingship of Jesus Christ is something dynamic that is at the very heart of our faith and who we are and what we do.
The reign or kingship of Jesus Christ is something dynamic that is at the very heart of our faith and who we are and what we do.

The parable of the talents
When Jesus speaks about using our talents and gifts fruitfully, he is not really talking about the gifts and talents that the world values.
When Jesus speaks about using our talents and gifts fruitfully, he is not really talking about the gifts and talents that the world values.

Being alert and ready: The parable of the bridesmaids
The teaching that Jesus wishes to give through this colorful parable is, perhaps, quite a simple one, but also an essential one!
The teaching that Jesus wishes to give through this colorful parable is, perhaps, quite a simple one, but also an essential one!

The virtue of humility
It also helps us to recognize that we are not self-made: we rely on others and above all on God
It also helps us to recognize that we are not self-made: we rely on others and above all on God

Loving our neighbor as another self?
Jesus wants us to become imitators of himself so that others may come to Christ.
Jesus wants us to become imitators of himself so that others may come to Christ.

Making present the Kingdom of Heaven in a secular world
Are we fulfilling our responsibility to God? Or are we pushing those responsibilities off onto others or are we neglecting them all together?
Are we fulfilling our responsibility to God? Or are we pushing those responsibilities off onto others or are we neglecting them all together?

We have all been invited to the wedding feast!
This invitation is the call to universal salvation. The wedding feast in the Old and New Testaments is a sign of final salvation.
This invitation is the call to universal salvation. The wedding feast in the Old and New Testaments is a sign of final salvation.

Repentance and conversion will bear abundance!
Are we willing to be partners with God in yielding a fruitful harvest from the vineyard?

A parable of the workers in the field
It doesn’t matter when you are called to the Lord Jesus, all are treated the same.
It doesn’t matter when you are called to the Lord Jesus, all are treated the same.

Dealing with our anger
How do we guard against the sin of wrath?
How do we guard against the sin of wrath?

Saint Paul’s ‘greatest hit’
And a question for us: are we willing to be slaves of the Lord Jesus, no matter the cost?
And a question for us: are we willing to be slaves of the Lord Jesus, no matter the cost?

‘Who do you say I am?’
Who is Jesus right now, in this present moment for us?
Who is Jesus right now, in this present moment for us?

Challenging encounter
What is our attitude toward foreigners? Pope Francis calls us to show compassion!
What is our attitude toward foreigners? Pope Francis calls us to show compassion!

Inner strength in ‘fierce-some’ times
Sunday's readings are so rich in both encouragement and challenge for us.
Sunday's readings are so rich in both encouragement and challenge for us.

Gifts of great value
God’s love for us is like a gift... but if that gift is just hidden away or taken for granted, or not used, what use is it then?

A mixed bag of good and bad
Let us explore together the parable about the wheat and the weeds.
Let us explore together the parable about the wheat and the weeds.

The parable of the seed and the sower
The seed is already planted in our hearts: the issue for each of us is rather, what happens next?
The seed is already planted in our hearts: the issue for each of us is rather, what happens next?

Burdens are burdens, but they can be lightened
Let us pray that we will be that yoke of Jesus for others; that is helping others to carry their burden.
Let us pray that we will be that yoke of Jesus for others; that is helping others to carry their burden.

Be not afraid!
It takes courage to tell others the truth; it takes patience to wait for your words to be accepted by those who they are meant for.
It takes courage to tell others the truth; it takes patience to wait for your words to be accepted by those who they are meant for.

We are called and then sent
The kerygma we are to proclaim is that the kingdom of God is at hand, and we are sent to go forth and baptize all nations in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The kerygma we are to proclaim is that the kingdom of God is at hand, and we are sent to go forth and baptize all nations in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Come witness the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist!
We are called to witness to the story of our faith through our participation in the one cup and the one bread.
We are called to witness to the story of our faith through our participation in the one cup and the one bread.

‘Peace be with you’
On Pentecost Sunday, give to the Lord our internal conflicts which weigh us down.
On Pentecost Sunday, give to the Lord our internal conflicts which weigh us down.

Acts of the Holy Spirit
It is the Holy Spirit of God, that bond of love and knowledge that exists from all eternity between God the Father and God the Son, that is active and present in the Church and the world.
It is the Holy Spirit of God, that bond of love and knowledge that exists from all eternity between God the Father and God the Son, that is active and present in the Church and the world.

Let us love one another
We are not called to like everyone; we are called to love them, to will their effective good.
We are not called to like everyone; we are called to love them, to will their effective good.

Preparing for Pentecost
Use this remaining time in the Easter season to prepare for the Holy Spirit!

Jesus as the Good Shepherd and as the gate
Jesus tells us that we must enter through him and that whoever does enter through him will have life.

Hear, believe, understand and proclaim!
We are to be disciples and disciple-makers; fed by the Word of God and sustained by the Eucharist.
We are to be disciples and disciple-makers; fed by the Word of God and sustained by the Eucharist.

Divine Mercy Sunday
What can we expect from this second Sunday of Easter?
What can we expect from this second Sunday of Easter?
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