April 18, 2024 at 9:48 a.m.
Mendelssohn’s Elijah with the Octavo Orchestra at St. John the Evangelist Church (806 Union St.) at 3 p.m. Revel in the brilliance of this timeless masterpiece as it unfolds through magnificent choral harmonies and orchestral grandeur. The Octavo Singers and Orchestra will immerse you in the emotional depths of Elijah’s narrative, from triumphant peaks to tender whispers. Join us for an afternoon of transcendent beauty and dramatic intensity, where Mendelssohn’s genius comes alive in a captivating performance. Experience the magic of “Elijah,” a concert that promises to leave you spellbound, resonating with themes of faith and redemption. For groups of 10 or more, we offer a discount of $5 per ticket when tickets are purchased as a block in advance of the concert. Tickets are available online at www.octavosingers.org/ or at the door. For details, contact us at [email protected].
APRIL 21-25
Rosary Altar Society Fundraiser Support with Marcella’s Restaurant (517 Saratoga Road). Enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner, dine-in or takeout, from Sunday, April 21, to Thursday, April 25. Marcella’s will have vouchers on hand; mention you are supporting the Rosary Altar Society and they will give you one. The Rosary Altar Society supports many church and local charities such as the St. Vincent de Paul Society, City Mission shelters, Birthright and St. Joseph’s Place. You get a great meal; we get support for these deserving groups!
Bereavement Ministry at Mater Christi Church (40 Hopewell St.) at 2 p.m. in the small meeting room in the church. Join us for the next Mater Christi Spousal Grief Support Group, held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. For questions, call our parish office at
(518) 489-3204 or email us at [email protected].
“The Vision of Pope Francis” with Bishop Scharfenberger at St. Thomas the Apostle (35 Adams Place) at 6:30 p.m. Join us as we welcome Bishop Edward Scharfenberger, who will address “The Vision of Pope Francis.” Drawing from the Holy Father’s speeches, encyclicals and various other writings, Bishop Ed will speak about what he understands to be the essence of Francis’ evangelical mission. This event will include time for questions and answers, a Holy Hour and Confession. This talk is part of the “Furthering Your Faith” catechetical series. These events are free of charge and open to all ages.
Red Cross Blood Drive at Christ the King Church (20 Sumter Ave.) from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Let’s start our 2024 blood drive season out right! Register today! Each donation has the potential to save three lives! All types are needed and Power Red Donations are being accepted at each of these drives. To see if you meet the eligibility requirements, go to www.redcrossblood.org. To register for these drives, please use sponsor code: churchchristking. Thank you in advance for considering giving the gift of life!
Healing & Anointing Mass at the Church of St. Mary at Clinton Heights (163 Columbia Turnpike) at 7 p.m. The presider for this Mass will be Father George Fleming. All are welcome to attend!
Wonderfully Made Mother-Daughter Tea at the Church of the Immaculate Conception (400 Saratoga Road) from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All mothers and their daughters, ages 10-13, are invited to gather at Immaculate Conception in Glenville where you’ll enjoy a tea party and presentation that will empower mothers and their daughters to embrace God’s beautiful plan for fertility and becoming a woman. Fee is $20 per family; pre-registration is required. To learn more about this event and to register, go to https://wonderfullymade.eventsmart.com or contact: Jennifer Frisone ([email protected] or (201) 400-4251).
Village-wide Garage Sale at St. Francis of Assisi Church (501 Bridge St.) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The parish will have a booth selling donated items, a bake sale booth, and a booth selling hot dogs and hamburgers. Also, if you have sellable household items to donate (no clothing!), please bring them to the garage. Call Debbie Saksen at (518) 863-8021 with questions.
Discovering the Heart of Jesus at St. Stephen’s Church (51 Pawling St.) at 9 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Join us for reflections on the Miracle of the Eucharist, which will include an opening prayer, a presentation, Bob and Penny Lord’s 30-minute DVD, “This is My Body, This is My Blood,” and faith sharing. Light refreshments will be provided during the program. Attendance is free. For more information and to register, please call Jeanne Pitkin at (518) 842-0972 or Josie Sperduto at (518) 843-2907 by Wednesday, May 1.
Round Lake
Looking West: The Story of Albert Nasib at Corpus Christi Parish (2001 US-9) at 12:30 p.m. in the Daily Mass Chapel. How does a teenage Lebanese immigrant find direction for his life in the United States in turbulent times? Let Albert Nasib Badre share his story with you. Find out how he adapted to a different culture with the help of his new friends, his new school and his new Church in a new language in the 1960s and 70s. Learn how the Catholic Community, and especially the Eucharist, helped him build his successful life, career and family as a Catholic American college professor and author. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. Books will be available for purchase following the 30-minute talk.
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