October 24, 2023
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger
Stories this photo appears in:

Do you speak Jesus?
Learning the language of Jesus requires listening, practicing, making mistakes – and patience!
Learning the language of Jesus requires listening, practicing, making mistakes – and patience!

The moment Saint Peter ‘got it’
From this icon of our apostolic faith, we learn much about God’s patience, plans and power in our personal faith journeys.
From this icon of our apostolic faith, we learn much about God’s patience, plans and power in our personal faith journeys.

Home schooled
The lessons I learned at home still guide and inspire me today
The lessons I learned at home still guide and inspire me today

A letter from Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger regarding immigration
A letter from Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger regarding immigration

Where do you live?
Our Savior invites us to find our true home in him.
Our Savior invites us to find our true home in him.

Why I am still a priest
This baptismal call becomes more personalized as we begin to ask how specifically the Lord wants each of us to live that call
This baptismal call becomes more personalized as we begin to ask how specifically the Lord wants each of us to live that call

Hidden presence
As mysterious as this presence may be, it is real, alive and irresistible if we accept it!
As mysterious as this presence may be, it is real, alive and irresistible if we accept it!

If we open the door of our heart to the King of Kings, then we welcome salvation in our home
If we open the door of our heart to the King of Kings, then we welcome salvation in our home

Of mountains and molehills
Why does Jesus propose that just a little faith is enough?
Why does Jesus propose that just a little faith is enough?

Lord, I am not worthy
It is one thing to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior of the human race, but it is another thing to trust him as MY Lord and Savior.
It is one thing to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior of the human race, but it is another thing to trust him as MY Lord and Savior.

Personal ‘presents’
Jesus Christ offers us the gift or present that IS presence itself, all that he truly is in his divinity and his humanity
Jesus Christ offers us the gift or present that IS presence itself, all that he truly is in his divinity and his humanity

Before it’s too late …
Sooner or later, when our earthly pilgrimage comes to an end, will we be ready for our own encounter with the judgment of God?
Sooner or later, when our earthly pilgrimage comes to an end, will we be ready for our own encounter with the judgment of God?

In our own words
Hearing a survivor's story gives me hope that it will inspire others to come forward with their own
Hearing a survivor's story gives me hope that it will inspire others to come forward with their own

The door of the heart
Is the "door" of the church and the door of our heart open to our neighbor?
Is the "door" of the church and the door of our heart open to our neighbor?

Human trafficking, today’s slavery
Vigilance and awareness are key in fighting the scourge of human trafficking

Who’s here?
When a parish serious about mission asks, “who’s here?” they must also consider, “who is my neighbor?"

Family meal
Does it seem that there might be a connection between a family that can share a meal together and the ease with which attendance at Mass can flow from the experience?
Does it seem that there might be a connection between a family that can share a meal together and the ease with which attendance at Mass can flow from the experience?

Jesus moves
The action of God on earth cannot be confined to some territory, not even a sacred space.
The action of God on earth cannot be confined to some territory, not even a sacred space.

PAStoral or PasTORal?
In the end, good pastoring is everyone’s responsibility.
In the end, good pastoring is everyone’s responsibility.

Savoring the sacrifice of the Mass
The Mass is the world’s greatest celebration of love. Like any good meal, it should not be gulped down but savored.

Jesus wept
All forms of human suffering can bring us closer to God because they unite us with Jesus himself.
All forms of human suffering can bring us closer to God because they unite us with Jesus himself.

YOU are the Gospel!
In order to be a good “evangelizer” or proponent of the Gospel, you must live it
In order to be a good “evangelizer” or proponent of the Gospel, you must live it

Life is worth living
The Olympic parody showcased the opposite of what love is in its attention-seeking self-indulgence.
The Olympic parody showcased the opposite of what love is in its attention-seeking self-indulgence.

God has not moved
There is no way to read the Bible, without concluding that, through thick and thin, God keeps coming back.
There is no way to read the Bible, without concluding that, through thick and thin, God keeps coming back.

The thin line
It may take great effort, patience and creativity, but kindness matters.
It may take great effort, patience and creativity, but kindness matters.

Peak experiences
Our best moments are given to us from a source higher than ourselves
Our best moments are given to us from a source higher than ourselves

Summer in church
We are on a pilgrimage throughout life that leads to a joy and fulfillment that this world cannot bring.
We are on a pilgrimage throughout life that leads to a joy and fulfillment that this world cannot bring.

Hearing God
St. Anthony encourages us to speak less in our words and more through our actions.
St. Anthony encourages us to speak less in our words and more through our actions.

Do you know my name?
Whatever our next step in life, our Lord is with us.
Whatever our next step in life, our Lord is with us.

‘Who am I to judge?’
No one is beyond the love and care of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for even his most errant sheep
No one is beyond the love and care of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for even his most errant sheep

Getting serious about holiness
The life of soon-to-be Saint Carlo Acutis proves that we are all called to be saints.
The life of soon-to-be Saint Carlo Acutis proves that we are all called to be saints.

What’s wrong with me?
The commission to follow the actions of Jesus is given to you and me personally, to take to heart and to live here and now, throughout this day, this hour, this minute.
The commission to follow the actions of Jesus is given to you and me personally, to take to heart and to live here and now, throughout this day, this hour, this minute.

Everyone leads!
All of the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Albany must promote and support vocations.
All of the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Albany must promote and support vocations.

Who’s your daddy?
Place Jesus at the center of our lives and grant to him his rightful place on the throne of our hearts
Place Jesus at the center of our lives and grant to him his rightful place on the throne of our hearts

Statement from Bishop Scharfenberger on Local Law “D” Proposal in Albany County
Calls proposal a 'disgraceful attack on good people'
Calls proposal a 'disgraceful attack on good people'

The wounded Body of Christ
I sincerely and readily apologize as I pledge to continue to make amends to all who have been wounded and scarred within and by the Body of Christ.
I sincerely and readily apologize as I pledge to continue to make amends to all who have been wounded and scarred within and by the Body of Christ.

The mercy we need
We are more than anything we have done or that has happened to us. We are more than our wounds, more than our sins or anyone else’s.

The smile of God
God’s own tender care for all creation is an ongoing act of God’s love, of God’s grace and favor that never abates.
God’s own tender care for all creation is an ongoing act of God’s love, of God’s grace and favor that never abates.

Was the cross necessary?
Everyone must ultimately deal with this question: either Jesus is or is not who he says he is.
Everyone must ultimately deal with this question: either Jesus is or is not who he says he is.

What do you want me to do for you?
If Jesus were to ask you that question, how would you answer him, now, while there is still time?
If Jesus were to ask you that question, how would you answer him, now, while there is still time?

The One who invites us to an eternity of bliss himself loves to be invited by each of us to come into our hearts.

The faces of Lent
This season is, in the long run, all about love — the love of a God who yearns for our love.
This season is, in the long run, all about love — the love of a God who yearns for our love.

Bless that!
I hope and pray that as we enter the Lenten season, we will seek many blessings from God and, yes, from priests who are commissioned to impart blessings on their spiritual children.
I hope and pray that as we enter the Lenten season, we will seek many blessings from God and, yes, from priests who are commissioned to impart blessings on their spiritual children.

Talk about evangelization?
Evangelization is more about walking the talk, than talking the talk.
Evangelization is more about walking the talk, than talking the talk.

Islands of hope
I want to invite the entire Catholic community to support our families in every way possible to nurture and nourish vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.
I want to invite the entire Catholic community to support our families in every way possible to nurture and nourish vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.

Every human vocation is a call from a source outside oneself, outside one’s own ego or desire.

Christmas is a forever gift
Emmanuel means “God is with us," and that divine presence is not confined to a time, a place or a season.
Emmanuel means “God is with us," and that divine presence is not confined to a time, a place or a season.

The whole story
This coming year, invite Jesus to stay with you, in your heart and in your everyday life.
This coming year, invite Jesus to stay with you, in your heart and in your everyday life.

The best way to be
While Christmas may morph culturally into a season in which more goods are bought, sold and exchanged, the original meaning is that of a divine gift to us to assure of what we most need
While Christmas may morph culturally into a season in which more goods are bought, sold and exchanged, the original meaning is that of a divine gift to us to assure of what we most need

Can prayer change God’s mind?
Maybe the best way to grasp why prayer not only is essential, but how it does indeed change things, is to realize that, at heart, it is a relationship.
Maybe the best way to grasp why prayer not only is essential, but how it does indeed change things, is to realize that, at heart, it is a relationship.

Letting God happen
Advent is a precious invitation to let holiness happen.
Advent is a precious invitation to let holiness happen.

Remembering why
As we share — if we are so fortunate as to share! — our Thanksgiving meal, remember why we are here.
As we share — if we are so fortunate as to share! — our Thanksgiving meal, remember why we are here.

All about love
When a man accepts the call to Holy Orders, he is accepting a call to love.
When a man accepts the call to Holy Orders, he is accepting a call to love.

The oldest temptation
God does truly understand the depths of any pain I or any human being might experience precisely because of the choice to enter into our wounds through Christ’s own fleshly wounds
God does truly understand the depths of any pain I or any human being might experience precisely because of the choice to enter into our wounds through Christ’s own fleshly wounds

Overcoming evil
Evil is overcome with actions that are just, merciful and loving. Not with violence, and never with genocide, which is the gospel that Hamas and other such instruments of war proclaim.
Evil is overcome with actions that are just, merciful and loving. Not with violence, and never with genocide, which is the gospel that Hamas and other such instruments of war proclaim.

Real Presence and Christian realism
If God gives us everything — his only-begotten Son — can there be any end to what we give back to God, to what we should give to God of ourselves?
If God gives us everything — his only-begotten Son — can there be any end to what we give back to God, to what we should give to God of ourselves?
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