September 7, 2021
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger
Stories this photo appears in:

Salvation as human liberation
The way to peace, liberation and happiness is to seek the freedom that Christ offers through his Cross.
The way to peace, liberation and happiness is to seek the freedom that Christ offers through his Cross.

Hurry up and wait
What does it really mean to 'discern'?
Discernment is much more than a process of getting from God what we want, or think we want.

Faith in the Faith
The overall takeaway from visiting Medjugorje is a profoundly invigorating conviction of the authenticity and power of the faith.
The overall takeaway from visiting Medjugorje is a profoundly invigorating conviction of the authenticity and power of the faith.

God’s personal touch
Jesus loves from the cross, even those who deny him, betray him and run from him.

In speaking of courage, I am especially grateful, in fact, in awe of the survivors of sexual abuse that I have been graced to walk with in these latter days of my priesthood.
In speaking of courage, I am especially grateful, in fact, in awe of the survivors of sexual abuse that I have been graced to walk with in these latter days of my priesthood.

All the lonely people
Our faith begins with the presence of a God who by nature is not alone.
Our faith begins with the presence of a God who by nature is not alone.

We are not alone
Jesus is the true Light who has come into the world as he reveals to us in the scriptures. His living light is given to all believers, to dwell in them.
Jesus is the true Light who has come into the world as he reveals to us in the scriptures. His living light is given to all believers, to dwell in them.

Serving God in the common good
The common good does not mean the greatest good for the greatest number.

Jesus our safe space
God’s love is personal within God’s very nature
God’s love is personal within God’s very nature, and personal toward us.

Sacred space
Everyone who has been hurt by the Church needs to be heard, accompanied and, dare I say, welcomed with open heart and mind.
Everyone who has been hurt by the Church needs to be heard, accompanied and, dare I say, welcomed with open heart and mind.

No limits
An Easter message on God's limitless love
Learning to love requires us to suffer at times from the uncertainty as to whether our love will be returned.
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