Rejoice in a song of restoration
In the cycle A Gospel John 9:1-41, we hear of Jesus’ encounter with the man born blind and how this sign of restoration of his eyesight is the promise of how we will be born again in the waters of baptism.
Call to transformation
Lent is an opportunity to attend to our transformation into Christ — to put on the heart and mind of Christ.
Lent: A time to remember and prepare!
Reflection helps us to pause and revisit these times with gratitude and new understanding.
Can we reach out and draw the circles of compassion wider and wider?
God heals the brokenhearted!
Our faith knows that Jesus is present in the healing; our faith believes that in all the suffering and anguish Jesus is present giving us strength and hope.
Jesus teaches with authority, by words and actions
When we pray and reflect, this should then lead to resolutions about how we are to live our lives.
Being disciples: a relationship and a response
Jesus calls each one of us, personally, by name, to follow him and he has a unique and special purpose for each and every one of us that nobody else can do.
St. John the Baptist recognizes Jesus
We are certainly called to be disciples, recognizing who Jesus is.
The 2024 Epiphany
With the coming of the Savior, the obvious question is: Are we like King Herod or the Magi?
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
The foundations of family that are shared in our Scriptures are unchanging wisdom.
The promises of the Lord last forever!
Sunday's readings are a sweeping tour-de-force of salvation history and God’s faithfulness throughout the story
Rejoice heartily!
The recognition of Jesus’ presence is the way that we can live in joy.
The second week of Advent brings comfort and hope!
God comes in great humility and love to be among us and to save us. The good news is the arrival of the King of Glory — Jesus the Christ.
Advent: Waiting with Vigilance
This season is the remembering of Jesus’ birth and the anticipation of the second coming of the Christ.
Matthew’s Gospel and the Final Judgment
The reign or kingship of Jesus Christ is something dynamic that is at the very heart of our faith and who we are and what we do.
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD