The power of the ‘Word’
We are called to this community of believers and doers of the word.
Overflowing joy!
Exploring the role of Mary during the wedding at Cana
Baptism – God’s extravagant gift
This Sunday, we are invited to reflect on our baptismal promises
Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday’s Gospel demonstrates that the Holy One of God when he visits the Temple and instructs the teachers of the Law replaces the Holy of Holies.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
The question for us today is: Who is the Jesus whom we await?
Third Sunday of Advent
We are back with St. John the Baptist, the bridge between the Old and New Testament
Second Sunday of Advent
The proper way to view history is through the lens of kairos.
First Sunday of Advent
Perhaps now is the time to ask the question: Who is the Kingdom of God?
Give faithful witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ!
The Kingship of Jesus Christ calls us to lay down our lives on the cross in service to the kingdom of God
Hope is breaking in
Fear and anxiety do not have to govern our lives, we can be free from such worries if we accept God’s help.
The great covenant of redemption!
Jesus is the only one who can break the chains of sin and death once and for all through his sacrifice on the cross.
Can you see as Jesus sees?
Perhaps we can take time this week to sit by the roadside with Bartimaeus.
Servant discipleship
We are called to a totally different way of seeing, of thinking and of acting.
Looking with God’s perspective
Jesus looks at us with love, but still asks us to make hard decisions.
The primacy of relationships
Is there a welcoming place for separated/divorced Catholics?
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD