Shutdown of Burdett Birth Center would impoverish Troy
Shutdown of Burdett Birth Center would impoverish Troy
Dear Class of 2023, embrace every moment as an opportunity to spread love, to do good, and to be the kind and courageous disciples we know you to be.
A prayer from the skatepark
If it truly is meant to be, could God get us there, efforts made or not?
Letter to the editor
A comment on Christ Child Society, and question on sisters coverage
Pray for and love your priest
Our priests play a critical role in leading and journeying with us in many ways.
Father Rupnik is dismissed? Good. But I have questions.
Former Jesuit priest accused of alleged sexual and emotional abuse.
The Dodgers need truth … and Jackie
The Catholic Church is a community of love ... However, it's also a community that stands firm in the truth.
What makes a good dad?
As we head into another Father’s Day, it is worth reflecting on what are the virtues of fatherhood
Letters from topics covered in The Evangelist
Not as smart as we think
Smartphones and social media — despite the bad rap they continually get — contribute to my family's connection.
A Catholic approach to global debt
The New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act would make sure poor nations cannot be exploited by rich investors seeking exorbitant profits.
The need for ‘reverent joy’
Our call to action is to pray, reflect and speak with our parish leaders.
The other mother
Lessons from less-than-perfect mothers
Visio Divina: Seeing with the eyes of love
We can turn a simple image into a sacred keepsake
‘Pacem in Terris’ at 60
The 1963 encyclical, “Pacem in Terris” (“Peace on Earth”), turns 60
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD