New beginnings in the world of clergy formation
Twenty men are currently in formation for the Diocese of Albany.
Reflecting on time with fellow diocesan seminarians in Selma, Ala.
Are Sunday Masses just too long?
90-minute marathon Masses have become the norm. It that driving people away?
Remembering a true shepherd of people
A shepherd and a priest: Father LeFort will be missed.
Forgiveness is a gift
Chose to forgive the hard stuff, because we have been forgiven.
Anti-Semitism on the rise
Catholics can help stop the spread of anti-Semitism.
BACK TO SCHOOL: A message from Giovanni Virgiglio, superintendent of schools.
Do I really pray as I should?
When it comes to praying to God, can we be better?
Eucharistic Adoration: Doing is good, being is even better
All my life, Jesus had been delighting in watching every moment of every hour with me.
Dealing with conflict
The whole process of reconciliation is complex with many emotions involved.
Leap across the threshold in your life
Our greatest strength comes when we view ourselves and others through the lens of compassion, gentleness and love.
Synod on Synodality needs the perspectives of ‘relatable clergy’
The breadth and depth of diaconate ministry in the United States and around the world cannot be underestimated.
Supporting the Farm Bill
Legislation includes: Food for hungry families, crop insurance for farmers and programs to improve soil health and increase water quality.
Summer beauty
For Christians beauty is Someone not something.
Paddling past our fears
Can you let go of the reins, and trust that God will take you across the rough waters and back to solid ground?
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