Rejoice! All who are reconciled are called to the feast
The fourth Sunday in Lent is also called “Laetare Sunday” or rejoice Sunday. We rejoice for Easter draws ever nearer.
Childlike trust and love of God will transform us all
In life we often hear the word sacrifice and think of examples from our own lives. Lent is a time where sacrifice is highlighted. But why does one sacrifice?
Thinking about the one person I’ll meet in heaven
The one person I absolutely must meet is someone I have never met on earth, and most likely never will. I know little about her. I do know that she is shy and lovely. And I know her name — Kyeong Sook Kim.
Conversation, conversion and bearing fruit
This Lent does seem to be flying by very quickly! We have already thought about Jesus’ temptations in the desert (the first Sunday in Lent) and last week we encountered the transfigured Jesus on Mount Tabor.
A new, more positive way to look at Lent
The season of Lent can be a tough one for many people, especially for those of us who struggle with mental health issues.
Relationship with God can be life-changing
We are already beginning the second week of our journey through Lent. The wonderful readings this weekend invite us to focus on transformation and transfiguration. The covenant or relationship that God has with us can truly be a life-changer and giver for us…
Lessons from a laptop labyrinth
I was at the tail end of a silent retreat one weekend when I began reaching my silent-prayer saturation point.
Why do we fast during the season of Lent?
Fasting and abstinence were once staples of Catholic life.
You can’t fail Lent
Lent is one of those seasons that always begins with the best of intentions and rapidly goes downhill, at least that’s how it usually plays out for me.
You must grow in self-awareness and humility before you can bear fruit
In today’s Gospel, Jesus offers eternally valid observations about human nature. Human persons have a tendency to pick out the habits or peculiarities in others that they dislike and try to change these things in others.
Speak up for life, now more than ever
The most important thing we can do right now to build a Culture of Life is to speak up in our little corner of the vineyard.
Without marriage and family life, there would be no other vocations
On any given day, you’ll find me and Dennis running the gauntlet of modern family life. If you live it, you know it — or at least your own version of it. Early to rise, lunches to make, school forms to sign, commutes to drive, work to do, more work …
A call to penance, communion & change
“The earth was moved and trembled when your way lead through the sea, your path through the mighty waters, and no one saw your footprints.” (Psalm 77:19-20).
Faith in a partisan world
Last month, I wrote on my blog about the second anniversary of President Trump’s Executive Order to build a wall along our southern border. At the time, I noted that many religious leaders opposed the construction of a border wall then, and they continue to do so today.
Sunday Masses, heavy snow and “something missing”
Surely Mass is an obligation but, for most, it is more, and something isn’t quite right without it. No Jesus. No community. No light from the preached Word. No Eucharist.
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD