Surrender over striving
We don’t just sit and wait for something to come to us; we actively stop doing the things that are getting between us and God.
Abortion is nothing to celebrate
Let’s not pretend that abortion is a societal good to cheer about at a political rally.
‘Shadows of Freedom’
The greatest and most valuable freedom is the interior freedom we experience when following God.
Old wounds, new fears, endless faith
Take a deep breath, say a prayer, seek out your village and begin there.
Families and parents as catechists
A reminder that faith comes from family.
‘Short course’ goes a long way in knowing Jesus
I believe in the concept that we get out of something what we put into it, and that goes for my faith.
An appropriate message for Catechetical Sunday
Perhaps our present circumstances offer us an opportunity to reflect more deeply on the ministry of catechesis.
Lessons learned at a Catholic high school
Evangelist editor, Mike Matvey, recalls his days of locker combos and Algebra class at Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh.
How we perceive our environment determines whether we see obstacles or opportunities.
An unending reserve of tender goodness
All who knew Father Koterski knew someone with that kind of light, someone in whose center was that name above all names.
Protecting the painting
Each of us can take some small steps to change our lifestyle and consumption habits to make a big difference.
Time for bold action, be a risk taker
It’s easy to talk the talk, but we need to walk the walk.
Voting rights and voter suppression
People of all faiths are pushing back against restrictive voting bills in many states.
‘I know you are hurting’
A message from Bishop Scharfenberger
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