‘Who am I to judge?’
No one is beyond the love and care of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for even his most errant sheep
Getting serious about holiness
The life of soon-to-be Saint Carlo Acutis proves that we are all called to be saints.
What’s wrong with me?
The commission to follow the actions of Jesus is given to you and me personally, to take to heart and to live here and now, throughout this day, this hour, this minute.
Everyone leads!
All of the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Albany must promote and support vocations.
Who’s your daddy?
Place Jesus at the center of our lives and grant to him his rightful place on the throne of our hearts
We are not alone
The sense of being alone, even abandoned by our norms and beliefs, is pervasive.
Praising God, celebrating the earth
Care for creation in all its dimensions — global, national, local and domestic — is not peripheral or supplementary to the essential call of a disciple to proclaim the good news, but a constitutive component of living the Gospel
The wounded Body of Christ
I sincerely and readily apologize as I pledge to continue to make amends to all who have been wounded and scarred within and by the Body of Christ.
The mercy we need
We are more than anything we have done or that has happened to us. We are more than our wounds, more than our sins or anyone else’s.
The smile of God
God’s own tender care for all creation is an ongoing act of God’s love, of God’s grace and favor that never abates.
Was the cross necessary?
Everyone must ultimately deal with this question: either Jesus is or is not who he says he is.
The image of God
In what sense are human beings made in the image of God?
What do you want me to do for you?
If Jesus were to ask you that question, how would you answer him, now, while there is still time?
An old/new model for parish life: Mission from the margins
Encountering the presence of Jesus, through the eyes of the poor and marginalized is where the living Gospel can be found.
The One who invites us to an eternity of bliss himself loves to be invited by each of us to come into our hearts.
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD