Who’s here?
When a parish serious about mission asks, “who’s here?” they must also consider, “who is my neighbor?"
Family meal
Does it seem that there might be a connection between a family that can share a meal together and the ease with which attendance at Mass can flow from the experience?
Jesus moves
The action of God on earth cannot be confined to some territory, not even a sacred space.
PAStoral or PasTORal?
In the end, good pastoring is everyone’s responsibility.
Savoring the sacrifice of the Mass
The Mass is the world’s greatest celebration of love. Like any good meal, it should not be gulped down but savored.
Jesus wept
All forms of human suffering can bring us closer to God because they unite us with Jesus himself.
YOU are the Gospel!
In order to be a good “evangelizer” or proponent of the Gospel, you must live it
Life is worth living
The Olympic parody showcased the opposite of what love is in its attention-seeking self-indulgence.
God has not moved
There is no way to read the Bible, without concluding that, through thick and thin, God keeps coming back.
The thin line
It may take great effort, patience and creativity, but kindness matters.
Peak experiences
Our best moments are given to us from a source higher than ourselves
Summer in church
We are on a pilgrimage throughout life that leads to a joy and fulfillment that this world cannot bring.
Hearing God
St. Anthony encourages us to speak less in our words and more through our actions.
Do you know my name?
Whatever our next step in life, our Lord is with us.
‘Who am I to judge?’
No one is beyond the love and care of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for even his most errant sheep
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD