Home schooled
The lessons I learned at home still guide and inspire me today
Where do you live?
Our Savior invites us to find our true home in him.
Why I am still a priest
This baptismal call becomes more personalized as we begin to ask how specifically the Lord wants each of us to live that call
Hidden presence
As mysterious as this presence may be, it is real, alive and irresistible if we accept it!
If we open the door of our heart to the King of Kings, then we welcome salvation in our home
Pilgrims of Hope
Bringing a vision for personal and parish renewal - called "Hope from the Margins" - that embraces all of God's children to Pope Francis
Of mountains and molehills
Why does Jesus propose that just a little faith is enough?
Lord, I am not worthy
It is one thing to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior of the human race, but it is another thing to trust him as MY Lord and Savior.
Personal ‘presents’
Jesus Christ offers us the gift or present that IS presence itself, all that he truly is in his divinity and his humanity
Before it’s too late …
Sooner or later, when our earthly pilgrimage comes to an end, will we be ready for our own encounter with the judgment of God?
In our own words
Hearing a survivor's story gives me hope that it will inspire others to come forward with their own
The door of the heart
Is the "door" of the church and the door of our heart open to our neighbor?
You are not alone
For every survivor of abuse, know that you are not alone.
Human trafficking, today’s slavery
Vigilance and awareness are key in fighting the scourge of human trafficking
Let’s say ‘NO’ to a bad apple
We must say ‘NO’ to the bad apple that is Proposal 1
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD