March 12, 2025 at 10:19 a.m.
Fish Fry at Our Lady Queen of Peace (210 Princetown Road) from 4-6:30 p.m., or until sold out. Eat in or takeout. Tickets sold at the door. Fish fry will also take place March 28 and April 11.
“Mary’s Way of the Cross” presented at St. Joseph’s Church (121 2nd St.) at 7 p.m. by the women of the Tri-Parish communities of St. Joseph’s, Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Grace. This is a powerful presentation of the stations through the eyes of Jesus’ mother, Mary. Handicapped accessible. Call (518) 346-2316 for additional info.
Annual Corned Beef Dinner at Our Lady of Fatima (1735 Alexander Road) in the parish hall beginning at noon until sold out. The Knights of Columbus are cooking up their complete corned beef dinner with cabbage, carrots, potatoes and homemade Irish bread. Dessert and beverages are included. All for only $15.
St. Patrick’s Dinner at Holy Trinity Parish Hall (205 Glebe St.) at 1 p.m. Join us for our linked parish St. Patrick’s Day Dinner! Social hour at 1 p.m., dinner at 2 p.m. Eat-in only, no takeout. Asking donation is $12 with only 100 tickets available. Dinner includes corned beef, ham, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and dessert. Beer, wine and soda available for purchase. Tickets available after all Masses this weekend and at the parish office.
Lake George
St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner at Sacred Heart Church (50 Mohican St.) from 3-5 p.m. Tickets will be on sale after the weekend Masses for $15 each or two for $25. Proceeds benefit the annual scholarship program.
Homemade Corned Beef Dinner at Our Lady of the Valley (111 Wells Ave.) from 3:30-6 p.m. in the parish hall. Dinner includes cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and, of course, soda bread! Suggested donation is $17. Takeout is available. Proceeds to benefit our athletes competing in the Special Olympics of the Capital District. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 4475, Middleburgh Cub Scouts and the Our Lady of the Valley Cafe.
Lucky Bucket Extravaganza at St. Mary’s Church (119 Broad St.) from 12-2:30 p.m. in the parish hall (on the corner of Sixth and Division St.). The admission of $10 includes lunch, beverages and a ticket for the door prize. The Lucky Bucket features dozens of baskets donated by friends, families and businesses. Sheets of tickets for baskets are available at $5 per sheet. Your support will be greatly appreciated!
Round Lake
Bereavement Support Group at Corpus Christi Church (2001 Route 9) in Room 10 of the parish hall, at 1 p.m. Starts March 20 and continues every two weeks until Dec. 4. This group will offer emotional and spiritual support for anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one through death. If you are interested in taking part in this group, please contact either Sharon at (518) 441-5138, email: [email protected] or Meg (518) 383-6649, email: [email protected], to secure your spot.
Pizza Sale: The Sisters of the Holy Spirit and the Faith Formation team will be having their annual fried dough sale on Friday, March 21, and Friday, March 28, in the Bingo Hall at Holy Spirit Church (153 South Main St.) from 4-6 p.m. There will be stuffed and plain available. Tickets are available in the parish office. Ticket prices are $5 for plain and dessert and $8 for stuffed and a dessert.
Mary’s Yes with Father Chris Alar, MIC, at St. Mary’s Church (80 Mansion St.) at 1:30 p.m. Join us for a talk with Father Chris about the opportunities for us to say “Yes” to Mary. This event is free, but any donations will go directly to New Life Maternity Home, a space for pregnant and new moms in need of housing. Donations will help the center keep its doors open and lights on for moms and babies in need. For more information, visit
Semi-Annual Spring Stamp & Postal History Show at Albany American Legion (4 Everett Road Extension) from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Event features 16 dealers with exhibit stamps, covers, postcards, postal history and ephemera materials. Children will receive free packets of stamps and covers. Dealers will be available to give real market values for any family stamp collections at no charge. Hosted by the Fort Orange Stamp Club (FOSC).
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