September 22, 2023 at 4:27 p.m.
A serving leader, a qualified individual and simply a wonderful person to work with. These are the qualities of Siena College’s new president.
On Thursday, Sept. 21, Charles F. “Chuck” Seifert, Ph.D., was inaugurated as the 13th president of Siena College at the UHY Center in the Marcelle Athletic Complex. Seifert, who officially took office on June 1, succeeded Christopher P. Gibson ’86, Ph.D., who retired on May 31 after three years as president.
“I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to work and serve an organization I love so much,” Seifert said in his address. “This is the best organization I ever had the opportunity to work with or to work for.
The ceremony was organized around the theme “Leading the Way Together: A Call to Serve,” and featured Siena trustees, faculty, students, staff, college alumni, Franciscan friars of the Holy Name Province, and delegates from colleges and universities across the country.
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger spoke at the ceremony and delivered the opening prayer and welcoming remarks.
“God, you sent us your son to die for us as if we were the only person in the world, and you remind us that we are loved as children of God,” Bishop Scharfenberger said in his prayer. “Let our hearts overflow that joy that brings us peace and peace to the world. We ask for your presence, your blessing, on all of us gathered here today. On Dr. Seifert and all those who work with him: students, professors, staff, friends, alumni, all of those here by love, a love we learn to share.”
Other speakers included New York State Senator Jacob Ashby, New York State Assemblymember Patricia Fahy, and Town of Colonie Supervisor Peter Crummey. The ceremony was led by Father Mark Reamer, OFM, D.Min., vice president for mission.
Thomas J. Baldwin, Jr. ’81, chair of Siena’s Board of Trustees, also spoke at the ceremony, saying that Seifert truly embodies what it means to be “a serving leader.”
“Siena is a college with a clear sense of mission, where we are and where we are going. It was critical we find a president who was fully committed to our vision,” Baldwin said. “We are truly fortunate we had the right person already in our midst. Dr. Seifert presents a unique combination of ability, commitment and institutional history. He has been, is, and will continue to be, an outstanding representative of Siena and all that it stands for.
Seifert is no stranger to Siena College. Seifert has most recently served as dean of the School of Business (2014-19, 2020-23), and was also the interim vice president for academic affairs from 2019-20. He was also the founder and executive director of Siena’s Institute for Leadership Development (2009-14); department chair of Marketing and Management (2004-07); and assistant dean of the School of Business from 1997-98.
Seifert originally came to campus as a visiting faculty member in 1996 but was promoted through the management department until achieving full professorship in 2007. Prior to Siena, Seifert had a successful career in banking and finance and served as chief financial officer of the Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce from 1994-96, and as a vice president of Evergreen Bank and a manager at First American Bank.
At the end of the inauguration, when Seifert took to the podium to speak, it didn’t take long for students and faculty to erupt in cheers and a standing ovation. Seifert’s first request as president was for everyone in the audience to make a heart with their hands and hold it above their heads so that his mother-in-law — who recently suffered an accident and was watching the inauguration over livestream from the hospital — could “feel the warmth of the Siena community.”
“On move-in day, after climbing up and down flights of stairs in Hines Hall all morning long, I had the special opportunity to officially declare our first-year students Siena Saints,” Seifert said. “And I can tell you that all summer long I was focused on metrics — acceptance rates, vacancy rates, retention rates, all very important — but I promise you when I saw all the students gathered together it really helped to remind me how important my job is and why we’re all really here, and that is to serve you and provide you with the education of a lifetime.”
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