September 6, 2023 at 11:34 a.m.
Chicken BBQ at St. Therese Chapel, 1 Wilton Gansevoort Road (the chapel is located at the intersection of Route 32 and Gansevoort-Wilton Road) from 11 a.m.- 4 p.m., or until sold out. Dinners include half a chicken, corn on the cob, baked potato, cole slaw, and a homemade dessert. Dinners are $15. For reservations, call (518) 792-2276. Reserved meals must be paid for and picked up by 2 p.m.
Columbiette Breakfast: Breakfast is back at the Latham-Colonie Knights of Columbus, 328 Troy Schenectady Road, from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Menu includes juice, coffee, tea or hot chocolate, scrambled eggs, omelet station, home fries, bacon, sausage, corned beef hash, pancakes, French toast with warm syrup, cereal and bananas, bread and pastries. All you can eat for only $12. Children 5-10 are $6, and under 5 eat free!
Columbiettes Craft Fair: The Latham-Colonie Columbiettes, 328 Troy-Schenectady Road, are hosting their annual Craft Fair from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. This event is rain or shine! For more information, email [email protected] or visit
Chicken BBQ Dinner hosted by the Waterford Knights of Columbus, 76 Grace St., from 4-7 p.m. Dinners include half chicken, cole slaw, corn on the cob, and cornbread with butter. Eat in or take out. Cost is $15 for prepaid meals, $17 at the door. For more information, call (518) 237-9330 or visit
Giant Church Garage Sale: St. Mary of the Assumption Church, 119 Broad St., will have a giant garage sale from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in St. Mary’s Hall, corner of Division and Sixth Streets. (Early birds allowed in at 8 a.m. for $5!) Items available will include household items, small furniture, toys, sporting equipment, paperback books, decorations and jewelry. We will also have a bake sale in conjunction with the garage sale. Donations of cakes, pies, breads, brownies and cookies can be brought to the hall on Saturday, Sept. 16 after 7 a.m.
Heart Inspiration Event at Christ Our Light Church, 1 Maria Drive, from 6-7:30 p.m. Come join us for an evening with exciting and captivating speakers (Cap Capello, Dona Fragnoli and Father Mike Melanson), filled with inspiring stories, laughter and tears, along with uplifting joyful music that will touch and inspire your heart. Do not miss out on this opportunity to be wowed and motivated! For questions, contact Jeanne at (518) 495-5644.
The 51st Annual Diocesan Marriage Jubilee at The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 125 Eagle Street, at 4 p.m. Couples celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th or any other special wedding anniversaries are invited to attend this celebration. Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger will celebrate the Mass at 4 p.m., and greet couples and their guests at a reception in the gathering area at the Cathedral immediately following Mass. To register, please call Kim in the parish office at (518) 371-9632 or via email at [email protected].
Charismatic Mass & Healing Service at Christ Our Light Church, 1 Maria Drive, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Join us for Mass, praise and healing prayer. All are welcome, bring a friend! Come and experience the love through the Holy Spirit. For details, contact the parish office at (518) 459-6635.
Hoosick Falls
Basket Bingo at Immaculate Conception Church, 67 Main St. Join us for our basket bingo night! If you would like to volunteer, we are currently looking for people to make baskets. There are several basket suggestions and a sign-up sheet on the table in the church hall. We’ll even supply the basket! Tickets are on sale at the Rectory, Thorpe’s Pharmacy and at church after Mass. For more information, or to volunteer for this event, contact Ellen at (518) 686-5075 or Karen at (518) 686-4737.
First Saturday Devotion with Our Lady of Fatima at St. Ambrose Church Parish Center, 347 Old Loudon Road, at 10 a.m. Mary’s Circle of Love invites you to pray the Rosary in the presence of the pilgrim Virgin Mary statue from Fatima, Portugal. Joanne O’Hara, president of the World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF), Albany Division, will lead the Rosary and be our guest speaker. Please plan on welcoming Mr. & Mrs. O’Hara and experience this wonderful event to pray the Rosary and venerate the Blessed Mother on this Day of the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary. Learn the history and miracles of Fatima and how they pertain to our lives today. Learn about the role of the angels guiding and teaching the prayers to the three children and much more! Spend time venerating the relics of St. Jacinta and St. Francisco. For further information, contact Lauren Sharp at (518) 389-6898 or [email protected]. Please bring your rosary. Light refreshments will be served. Free will donations.
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