October 11, 2023 at 1:16 p.m.
America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally at St. Mary’s Institute, 10 Kopernik Boulevard, at 12 p.m. Guests will meet outside the school in front of the statue of Mary. For information, call Maria Nielsen (518) 339-2029.
Annual Rosary Rally at Noon at Canal Square. Bring a chair. For information, contact Lorraine at (518) 237-7173.
Red Cross Blood Drive at Christ the King Church, 20 Sumter Ave., from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. National blood supply has fallen by about 25 percent since early August. Currently, blood distribution to hospitals is outpacing the number of blood donations being collected. Every unit has the potential to save three lives! There are still spots open for our upcoming drive. If there are only Power Red spots available, please do not hesitate to fill that spot. To see if you meet the eligibility requirements, go to redcrossblood.org. To register for this drive, please use the sponsor code churchchristking.
Chicken Parmesan Dinner at Latham-Colonie Knights of Columbus, 328 Troy-Schenectady Road, from 4-7 p.m. Take-out and dine-in options are available! Menu includes chicken parmesan, pasta salad and dessert. Donation: $15 per person. Make your reservation now at (518) 783-0572.
Annual Rosary Rally with Our Lady Queen of Peace, 210 Princetown Road, at 12 p.m. Join Our Lady Queen of Peace prayer group for our annual Rosary Rally in praying the Rosary for peace in our nation. Our Rosary will begin at Our Lady’s statue (in front of the school) at noon and we will walk up the street to the police department on Bath Street. If you don’t want to walk, bring a chair and say the Rosary in front of Our Lady’s statue. Prayer can change hearts, families, our communities and our country. There is no weapon, in this spiritual battle, stronger than the Rosary. The Mother of God asks us, her children, to pray the rosary every day. Please join us!
Fort Orange Stamp Club’s Stamp, Cover, Postcard and Ephemera Show: Join us for our semi-annual stamp show at the American Legion Hall, 4 Everett Road, from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Fifteen dealers from the Northeast will be available to give free appraisals to anyone with collections of these types of materials. All youngsters who attend will be given a free bag of philatelic material. No refreshments as the kitchen will be closed. Free parking and admission!
International Event at Christ The King Church, 20 Sumter Avenue, at 12 p.m. Join us to celebrate and experience the cultural diversity of our church with a sampling of ethnic food in a cultural gathering for the entire family! For additional information and to register for the event, visit ctkparishny.org.
Sung Vespers in the spirit of Taize: Join us at Mater Christi Parish, 40 Hopewell St., at 7 p.m. This is a special evening of song, scripture and silence.
Bingo Night at St. Mary’s Our Lady of the Lake, 31 Elm St., in the parish hall. Join us for a night of fun with family and friends! Cards are $2, and 50/50 tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Light refreshments will be provided!
Sweet Hour of Prayer at Dominican Retreat & Conference Center, 1945 Union St., and via Zoom, from 7-8 p.m. Autumn is the season for honoring, remembering, changing, thanking and waiting. Presenter Mary Anne Brown, RN, BSN, MA is a registered professional nurse who has a master’s in theology from St. Bernard’s and a Certificate in Liturgy from Boston College. She offers counseling and spiritual companionship and, as a music minister, shares gentle prayer songs to soothe the soul. Free will offering to benefit our scholarship fund. Reservations are required! For reservations and information, call (518) 393-4169 or email [email protected].
Clinton Heights
Life in the Spirit Seminar: Sponsored by the Charismatic Renewal of the Albany Diocese and held at the Church of St. Mary’s, 163 Columbia Turnpike. Join us for four consecutive sessions: Oct. 27 (6:30 p.m.), Oct. 28 (8:30 a.m.), Nov. 3 (6:30 p.m.) and Nov. 4 (8:30 a.m.). Each session will cover a range of talks, from “Having a relationship with Jesus” to “Gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.” Free admission! Please bring a bag lunch. Beverages will be provided. To register, visit https://albanyccr.org.
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