February 15, 2023 at 3:15 p.m.
Our reason for existence is to fulfill Jesus’ command to go out and make disciples of all nations. That is scary, but thrilling at the same time. Allow me to share just a few diocesan efforts that have been implemented so we may be a more synodal Church as we grow in our love of Christ.
The first Diocesan Men’s Conference was incredibly fruitful and well attended by men from across our Diocese and beyond. There were stories of men experiencing the mercy and love of Christ after receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in more than three decades. The brotherhood and connections from the day also encouraged the development of small, faith-sharing men’s groups at multiple parishes around the Diocese. By the way, save the date for Step Up Men’s Conference 2023 — it will be held on Saturday, Aug. 12, at the Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville.
A dynamic young adult ministry continues to evolve. Twenty young adult events were hosted across our Diocese from September to December 2022. A strategic initiative to develop and support regional young adult groups is in full swing and there are now six groups with more in development.
The Diocese also hosted a brand new event entitled “Fire of Faith.” Blessed Sacrament in Albany and St. Mary’s in Ballston Spa have already been host parishes. Fire of Faith invites people from the greater community into our churches to say a prayer, light a candle, and listen to worship music during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
The first Diocesan Women’s Retreat hosted 400 women. United by their love of Christ, attendees listened to three inspiring talks provided by the Sisters of Life, experienced God’s grace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, prayed the rosary together during a Holy Hour, and joined Bishop Scharfenberger in the celebration of the Eucharist.
The Alpha program recently started at the Southern Saratoga County Parish Network hosted at Corpus Christi in Round Lake. Additionally, the Alpha Youth Program is running at St. Mary’s in Ballston Spa. Alpha serves as a critical entry point for conversations about life, faith and purpose. Inviting family or friends into the parish RCIA program may be too much, too fast, but Alpha is a launching pad for people to explore their faith.
So, when you hear about the struggles of our Church — it is not all doom and gloom. Be filled with hope that we are making an impact. And when friends and neighbors question what the Church is doing to fulfill our mission, be armed with the above information and with all the great initiatives that our parishes and parish networks are implementing.
Tom Cronin is the Advisor to the Bishop for Evangelization in the Diocese of Albany. Contact Tom with any questions about boosting evangelization efforts at your parish at Thomas.Cronin@rcda.
org or by visiting www.rcda.org/evangelization. Follow me on Instagram: tom_rcda
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