August 16, 2023 at 9:23 a.m.


A reflection from the second annual Step Up Men’s Conference in Auriesville
The Step Up Men’s Conference at The Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Auriesville on August 12, 2023.
The Step Up Men’s Conference at The Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Auriesville on August 12, 2023.

By Chuck Ciaccia | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

On Saturday Aug. 12, I attended my second Step Up Men’s Conference for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany at the Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville. This conference has been such a great way to connect with the many people I have befriended over the years in the Diocese. The opportunity to spend time with like-minded men and boys from the greater Diocese community in the same place with the same goal — “To Become Saints” — and focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, is a very enlightening time. The speakers were very dynamic and kept your attention through their topics with engaging points and questions. Reconciliation was also available throughout the day with 12 priests including Bishop Scharfenberger; what an amazing sight to see the 12 confession stations spread over the grounds on the lawn of this magnificent location.

The event introduction started out with an explanation of plenary indulgences by Father Rendell Torres. I found this very informative and cleared up a couple questions I had on the topic. Goes to show there is always catechesis needed no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord. This kicked off the line of very powerful and dynamic speakers on some very key topics.

Father Larry Richards spoke on two topics, “Confession” and “Being a Real Disciple.” Father Richards has a very powerful way of engaging everyone in the room. His no nonsense approach is very bold and catches you by surprise at first until you start to realize he is focusing in on where we need to be as men through our faith journey. This walk is not for the faint of heart and we need to be engaged in what the Lord is calling us to do which is the Will of God. He points out how it takes focus and courage to follow Jesus Christ. I must admit when Father Richards was done with his talks, I felt like it was the pep talk during a very crucial game by the coach. It was very motivational and even transformative. It was very clear that Father was focusing in on us men of the faith, as his book title reads “Be a Man! — Becoming the Man God Created You to Be.” In the introduction it asks the question, “So are you ready?”

Dr. Joseph Dutkowsky spoke of the “Full Armor of God.” This is a topic near and dear to my heart. Ephesians 6 is something my wife, Joanna, and I talk about often: Putting on our armor to deal with the challenges we face daily. The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God that links all Truth together is our most valuable weapon.

Deacon Martin Dinan was very informative on the successful men’s group that is flourishing at St. Pius X. The excitement the deacon shows is motivational and encouraging that some of us can return to our local parishes and give this a try.

Chris Padgett, spoke of many challenges men face with married life. Showing that you really are “Listening to the Heart of the Father” because there are sacrifices we need to make to work together as a married couple. It also requires service and works of mercy. The last point was that we need to try and be “Married Saints,” which is very rare!

During all these talks what caught my attention the most was the younger men and boys sitting around me and how engaged they were in what was being said. To see this kind of interest from our youth is very encouraging to me since I feel it is where we struggle in our local parish communities the most.

We finished the day out with Adoration, reciting the Rosary then Mass with Bishop Scharfenberger. To end the conference with a beautiful Mass and receiving the Eucharist, which is the Source and Summit of our Catholic Faith, was a perfect end to an amazing day. Thanks to all involved in making this day a reality for us men to gather!

— Chuck Ciaccia, trustee, Our Lady of Victory Church, Troy and Mission Our Lady of the Snow, Grafton


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