April 12, 2023 at 11:32 a.m.
Stay and fight for reform in the Catholic Church
A recent letter to the editor (in the Daily Gazette) cited a number of very public scandals including clergy sexual abuse and the St. Clare’s pension default as reasons for the Albany Catholic Diocese to go away. As a lifelong Catholic, I do share a sense of disappointment, anger and betrayal over these issues. However, they are not reasons to leave or cancel the institution. Reasons to criticize and call for reform, absolutely! But reasons to leave and cancel, no!
The church was founded by Jesus Christ on principles of love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and service to others. Clearly, church leaders involved in these scandals have strayed far from these principles and lost their way. The church teachings, scripture and spiritual guidance call us to another way. To be a light to the world in the way we act and treat each other. The good and beauty of the church are the reasons to stay.
For example, Catholic Charities of Albany quietly helps an estimated 100,000 people in need each year with a focus on the most vulnerable in our communities. I in no way downplay the bad characters and actions that caused the scandals and the harm brought upon the many victims. But the vast majority of priests in the Albany Diocese are good and holy men leading their flocks to be witnesses and imitators of the Christ-life.
I choose to stay and fight for a better tomorrow!
Kevin Harrigan
Letters are subject to editing and should be 100 words or less, concern topics covered in The Evangelist and include your town and telephone. Essays or opinion pieces, 700 words maximum, are also welcome. We prefer submissions by email ([email protected]) or by mail (40 N. Main Ave., Albany, N.Y., 12203)
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