July 8, 2022 at 8:02 p.m.



By MIKE MATVEY- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

It was quite a night for the staff of The Evangelist as the newspaper won 13 Catholic Press Association Awards, including four first-place awards, on the final night of the Catholic Media Conference in Portland, Ore., on July 7. 

Editor Mike Matvey won first place in the category “Best Feature Writing” for his story titled “God’s hand in it” about Father Des Rossi and his search to find the family whom he received a kidney from. The judges said: “The writer injects just enough mystery to hook the reader into this well-told dramatic story. The writer seemingly effortlessly shows the parallel journeys with the piece through narrative, interviews and statistics.” Matvey also won first place for the story in the category “Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues - Life and Dignity of the Human Person.” Said the judges: “An outstanding article on organ donation. The author includes colorful quotes to bring this story to life and leave a lasting impression on readers.”

“It is truly humbling to be recognized by your peers in this way,” Matvey said. “We at The Evangelist are truly blessed and honored by these recognitions. We truly feel our team produces one of the best Catholic newspapers in the country every week.”

Staff Writer Emily Benson won second place for “Best Personality Profile” about a Siena student helping COVID patients. The judges said: “A good exploration and portrayal of a young man’s desire to help others. Illuminating his life’s purpose with details from his family life, childhood and volunteering, works well to show why he has the goals he does.” 

In the “Best Reporting on the Celebration of a Sacrament,” Benson, along with photographer Cindy Schultz, bagged second place for “This family prays together” about a son who converted to Catholicism and then helped his family and parents do the same. The judges said: “This story of a teenager converting to the faith is good. This story of a teenager then leading his whole family to the faith is great. Good reporting and interviews draw us into the Pantoja family and have us loving them. Great insights into the family dynamic.”

And in the same category, Benson took third place for “One busy night!” about a man receiving all the sacraments in one night. The judges said: “A wonderful read on a young man receiving all the sacraments, even marriage on the same night. A fun and insightful journey.” 


“Emily continues to craft compelling and thoughtful stories week in and week out for the paper. I am thrilled she was recognized with these awards,” Matvey said. “We are lucky to have such a young, up-and-coming and talented professional at the paper.”

Photographer Cindy Schultz took first place in “Best Photograph - General News Photo” for the photo “A role to play.” Said the judges: “What an incredible photo. What makes it truly special is the way that it ‘explodes and compresses’ at the same time. Your eye leads you from the main subject to the background - which just explodes in all directions with different lines, shades and colors. The composition is fantastic, simply put, multi-layered and detailed.” 

“Cindy continues to prove that she is one of the best photojournalists in the Capital Region,” Matvey said. “She is unmatched in drive and talent and, to be honest, I am never surprised when she wins first place.”

Schultz added a second place in the category “Best Photograph - Catholic Education” for the photo “Eyes have it” (“This is a really cool photo! The colors of the classroom were so vivid and the focus on the one student - with teacher and peer blurred in the background - showed impressive technique. The mask wearing in the moment made it feel like a peek into a unique cultural moment. It was also interesting to see how school time can look very different from the traditional image of student in rows of desks,” the judges said), and a third place in “Best Photograph - Vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate,” for the photo “Joy!” (“Terrific photo. Captures a beautiful moment,” said the judges).

In the category of “Best Photo Story - News,” Matvey, Schultz and designer Brenda Powell took first place for “A priestly beginning,” which detailed the Ordination to the Priesthood of five deacons last year. The judges said: “This is a clear story from beginning to end in this package. Photos offer creative points of view. The photo series also took third place in the category, “Best Multiple Picture Package.” Said the judges: “The black and white nature of these images helps reduce them to their essence and removes the non-essential while capturing the best that is there. These images are eye-catching and tell the story of the day.” 

The Evangelist team of Matvey, Benson, Schultz and Powell won third place in the “Best Seasonal Issue” for the “Year in Review” issue. Said the judges: “Engaging year encapsulated, reel of the reality of 2021. Well rounded.” In the same category, the same group took honorable mention for the “Catholic Schools Week” issue. 

In the category of “Best Headline,” Matvey took honorable mention with the headline “One Prom-inent Pooch.” The headline referred to Zinnia, a service dog at Bishop Maginn who went to prom last year. 

The Diocese of Albany Office of Communications won third place for “Best Website -Diocesan.” Mary DeTurris Poust, former director of communications, Molly Halpin, former communications specialist, and Emily Hampton, current multimedia specialist were recognized by the judges who said: “Well designed communication platform. Visually engaging imagery. Appropriate thought and attention for overall user experience.” DeTurris Poust also won third place for “Best Regular Column - Spiritual Life” for her column “Life Lines,” which appears every month in The Evangelist. The judges said: “This is a lovely, very relatable set of columns that offer guidance and hope with the everyday challenge of a woman’s life.”


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