November 25, 2020 at 4:39 p.m.



We asked diocesan employees and others to see the good in a very trying year. We hope these responses inspire our readers to reflect on what they are thankful for in 2020.

There’s a quote from St. Francis of Assisi that says: “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
In my role with Catholic Charities, I am blessed to work with so many people who act as “candles” in our community. Over the past year, they’ve worked tirelessly in service of our neighbors, oftentimes on the front lines of the pandemic. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope our administrators, caregivers, social workers, case managers, camp counselors and all of our staff and volunteers know just how grateful I am. Thank you! We couldn’t do it without you!

Vincent W. Colonno
Chief Executive Officer
Catholic Charities of the 
Diocese of Albany
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Although I’m disappointed I won’t be able to see my father and step-mother for Thanksgiving as planned, I am grateful for the fact that my family is in good health and that my husband, Dennis, and I will have our three children at home with us not only for the holiday weekend but throughout the Advent and Christmas season. Being forced to stay put, slow down and simplify isn’t necessarily a bad thing; in fact, if we’re willing, it could become the bright spot in this dark pandemic experience. Can we be grateful for what is rather than what we think should be?

Mary DeTurris Poust
Director of Communications 
Diocese of Albany
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Thanksgiving is always one of my favorite holidays of the year. We gather at my wife’s cousin’s house — 20 to 30 people — for lots of food (Prime Rib as well as turkey!) and great stories. The football games never seem to end and the one lasting sound of the day is laughter. We won’t be doing that this year, for obvious COVID reasons, but there are so many things to be thankful for in this most unfortunate year. My wife and I and our families have remained healthy, and we have spent so much quality time with our son, Charlie. Watching a 7-year-old grow up can be exciting and exasperating all in the span of several minutes. But most of all, I am thankful for the doctors and nurses and all the emergency personnel who put their lives at risk every day in every state in this great nation to keep us healthy. God Bless them and Happy Thanksgiving.

Mike Matvey
Editor, The Evangelist 
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The Jewish Passover meal, the Seder, has a hymn: “Dayenu,” which translates as “for that alone we would have been grateful.”
Here is my “Dayenu” for Thanksgiving 2020:
• If only one teenaged grandchild helped connect with a Covid-isolated grandparent: Dayenu
• If only one nurse made a special connection to a Covid patient who couldn’t have visitors: Dayenu
• If only one police officer challenged a fellow officer engaged in a racist act: Dayenu
• If only one priest reached out to a victim of sexual abuse as a small antidote to his confreres’ bad behavior: Dayenu
• If only one of a married couple said, “I’m so grateful for you being mom-at-home/dad-at-home:” Dayenu
• If only one parishioner reached out to their parish priest or deacon to say thanks for being there: Dayenu

Father James Kane
Retired pastor and, since 1982, the
director for Ecumenical & Interreligious Affairs for the Diocese of Albany
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From four towering oak trees in my backyard, not a single acorn has fallen this year. I consider this a little gift from Mother Nature, to whom I am most thankful. The 20 barrels of acorns that I gathered last year nearly broke my back.
But there are many more gifts in my life — much more valuable gifts — that I am thankful for.
I am thankful that I am able to continue my work at The Evangelist. This is only possible because of my co-workers, who have made working from home a seamless transition for me.
I am also thankful for all the essential workers who serve our community. They risk their lives to care for us, make us safe and help keep the economy ­going.
I am primarily thankful though, that the death and suffering around me, has not yet touched my family. I pray for all those who have lost a loved one to COVID-19.
I am thankful that I have a lot to be thankful for. 

Brenda Powell
Designer, The Evangelist
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I am thankful for the gift of the Mass and other liturgies through which we encounter the Lord and receive so many gifts.

Father Anthony Barratt
Pastor, Holy Trinity Parish, Hudson and diocesan director of Prayer and Worship
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For me, 2020 has emphasized the depth of love and enjoyment I feel for my family, the immense value of human connection and interaction, the opportunity to realign toward life’s real priorities, and the centering and grounding the active practice of my Catholic faith has on all of it. My gratitude for these “reminders” is immeasurable — I intend to hold these close in practice as I live my life for years to come!

Nancy Bielawa
Executive Director of 
Stewardship and Development
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In March when my coworker and I packed up our notepads and plants to leave our office indefinitely, it didn’t feel real. Everything was immediately put on pause and it felt like I had entered this limbo world akin to the Twilight Zone. Although I would never argue that this pandemic is a good thing, perhaps this time of rampant sorrow, anxiety and stress has a silver lining. For instance, I have fallen back into hobbies and passions I didn’t have enough time for prior, such as painting, hiking, reading and yoga. I’m rediscovering music I haven’t listened to in years. I get to spend more time with my adopted kittens. I’m sleeping better, and above all else, this experience has made me connect with friends and family more than ever before. 

Franchesca Caputo
Writer, The Evangelist
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During these uneasy times, I find it helps to have an attitude of gratitude. Counting your blessings can have a calming effect. Among those I have to be thankful for are our diocesan educators — the hundreds of school leaders, teachers and staff members who have taken the obstacles brought on by COVID-19 and transformed them into opportunities for our students. This continues to be a school year like no other and their dedication to creating safe and supportive learning environments against all odds is nothing short of heroic and awe-inspiring.

Giovanni Virgiglio, Jr. 
Superintendent of Schools
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Even with all its drawbacks, I am grateful for the gift of Zoom this year! This technology has allowed me to stay connected with family, friends, prayer groups, spiritual direction, professional development and the many people with whom I am privileged to minister. I am grateful for learning new ways to minister, and I look forward to incorporating what I have learned in the future, even when the serious threat of COVID-19 is gone!

David Amico
Office of Lay Ministry and
Parish Faith Formation
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This is a hard time to celebrate Thanksgiving, but this year has shown me how much I have to be thankful for. I was not immune to the impacts of this infamous year, but I’ve dodged the grave hits that countless others have taken. Myself, my friends, and my family are in good health, and for that, I am filled with gratitude. Through its absence, this year has shown us the importance of togetherness. So, every day I still have with my loved ones is one I am grateful for because I know our time is limited.

Emily Benson
Staff writer, The Evangelist
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I am thankful for my new and first nephew, James, who was recently born. While this era may present new challenges to many young married couples, baby James’ parents generously chose to start a family. A baby is always one of the best gifts from God to a family, community and the Church. 

Renée Morgiewicz
Coordinator of Parish Services &
Respect Life Ministry 


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