September 11, 2019 at 4:12 p.m.
Support adults to encounter Jesus
In Luke’s Gospel story of Jesus and his companions on the Road to Emmaus, I was particularly struck by the companions’ request of Jesus: “Stay with us.” Just like those two folks on the road so many centuries ago who encountered Jesus and longed for more of him, we, too, have that same longing!
Imagine the people we meet every day who feel that longing. Some are seekers who have merely heard about Jesus, are curious to meet him, and they are saying: “Stay with us.” Others have met Jesus briefly somewhere in their lives, but wish to get reacquainted, and they are saying: “Stay with us.” Still, others have a strong relationship with Jesus and long to deepen it, and they are saying: “Stay with us.”
Often, our parish faith formation efforts revolve only around children and teens. Children and teens definitely need to hear the Good News of Jesus and to grow in a relationship with him! But it can’t stop there. Our Emmaus walk with Jesus continues throughout our lives! How can we encourage and support one another, as adults, to encounter Jesus, to grow deeper in relationship with him, and to live as Jesus disciples? Here are some suggestions:
Support the seekers! We see them at work or school, in our neighborhoods and in our social groups. Find those moments to connect with them when they express to you that something is missing in their lives and that they are searching for more. Share your own faith story with them. Invite them to encounter Christ by sharing a website, prayer app or book that has inspired you, by bringing them to Mass with you, by introducing them to others who can continue to patiently listen and gently accompany them.
Support those who want to reconnect with Jesus Christ. There are many reasons why those who have drifted away from their faith long to renew their relationship with Christ. Sometimes they have lost a sense of identity and purpose, or have come to a transitional time in their lives, or are struggling with disillusionment or hardship of some kind. Find ways to connect them to a welcoming parish or an adult faith formation opportunity where they can refresh their understanding of their faith. Help them re-engage in the sacramental life, particularly by accompanying them to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Invite them to get involved in parish activities where they can “rub elbows” with other people of faith, such as service experiences or Scripture study programs, prayer ministries, book groups, marriage enrichment, parenting programs or other peer-supports for wherever they are in life.
Support those who want to deepen their relationship with Christ. Like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, their “hearts are burning within them,” and they are always looking for opportunities to grow in faith and discipleship. They have a rich prayer life and encounter Christ often in the sacraments. They are likely the witnesses that others look up to. One of the best ways to support them is to invite them to encounter Christ in service to others — as catechists, as leaders of prayer or in retreat ministries, as sponsors in the RCIA process, as outreach ministers, or as advocates for peace and justice in the wider community.
Wherever we are on our Road to Emmaus, Jesus promises to meet us and to stay with us — in Word, Sacrament and in the life and witness of our faith communities. May we continue to accompany one another throughout our lives on this journey of faith.
Joyce Solimini is the Associate Director, Office of Lay Ministry and Parish Faith Formation.
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