April 6, 2018 at 1:53 p.m.

NCYC wows local teens

NCYC wows local teens
NCYC wows local teens

The Evangelist asked teenagers from the Albany Diocese to reflect on attending the National Catholic Youth Conference, held Nov. 19-21 in Indianapolis, Ind.

The popular conference, held every two years, includes speakers and workshops, live music, liturgies, recreation and opportunities to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation and adoration of the Eucharist. About 222 young people representing three dozen parishes in the Diocese went to this year's NCYC, along with chaperons and Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger.

Before the conference, teens who had been fundraising to pay for their trip told The Evangelist they hoped it would be life-changing. That seems to have been the case:

• "NCYC was an unrivaled experience. I've never been to anything like it and I've never felt this close to God before.

"Each day, it felt like I was seeing people who were related to me. They were just so friendly, and nothing stopped them from coming up to you and saying hi. No one cared about embarrassment, which was something I've never been exposed to, and I loved it.

"The events just got better and better. The performers, the kids who were involved [and] the MCs were all just so close to God and felt like they were home. Slowly, that feeling started to come into my heart, and it was a great feeling.

"I really know that God is out there now. I will never forget the experience I had in Indianapolis. It's opened me to God's presence. I felt the love from being around all these amazing and passionate people who follow the same views that I do and want to be deep in their faith, to stand out and not let evil influences affect them.

"Until I went to this event, I felt like I was [debating] whether God was there or not. These few days of being with people I can call true friends opened my heart to God, and there is no doubt that He is there. I know now that I need to give the same opportunity to people that really need God in their lives as much as I do. I love God and nothing will ever stop me from saying those words.

"I've never enjoyed anything more than NCYC." -- Aidan Christine, St. Patrick's parishes, Athens and Catskill

•  "My favorite moment was the adoration of the Eucharist, because I could really feel the holy presence of Jesus, and it was so incredible to know that He was with us in the stadium. The Mass was also very touching. It helped me realize that I am not alone in my love for God. Just hearing 24,000 people [praying] in unison and singing the hymns together or the complete silence when necessary was unreal.

"The speakers also were able to connect with us young people very well, and it made the messages much easier to relate to or understand. The theme of this year's NCYC ("Here I am Lord") was fitting and made me think more about how I can serve God in this world full of need. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life so far!" -- Aleyah Proper, Transfiguration parish, Speigletown/Schaghticoke

• "Paul J. Kim, an international youth speaker, comedian and awesome beatboxer, challenged us to think about church and how it's a lot more than doughnuts after Mass. He challenged us to accept Jesus into our lives, and then He will accept us into Heaven. Jesus wants you to be the best that you can be; He wants you to be a representation of Himself.

"Since NCYC, I promise you that Jesus has most certainly been accepted into my heart. I know I can rely on Him for more than a good grade on a test, but for help with anything. Jesus is everywhere -- you just have to look for Him. He's in your parents, priests and most certainly your heart." -- Elizabeth Pegarella, Our Lady of the Assumption parish, Latham

•  "I met many fun and interesting people, including kids from Alaska, as well as a fellow teen who brought his bagpipes and played them at the NCYC talent show. I also went to many talks by priests and professional speakers who talked about things that were relatable to me as a teenager. It brought me closer to Jesus and God, as well as becoming a better Catholic, being more in touch with what it means to be a Catholic, and having a deeper understanding of what God's will is for us." -- Aiden Jones, St. Henry's parish, Averill Park

•  "We got the opportunity to join 24,000 Catholic teens our age in prayer, songs and lots of fun. We also got the chance to participate in community service by making t-shirts for the needy and scrapbooks for the elderly. We attended talks by key Catholic speakers that could relate to teenagers and bring the Catholic religion into a more modern age. I truly discovered what the real meaning of being Catholic is." -- Molly Biittig, St. Henry's parish, Averill Park

• "NCYC reinforced the fact that there are so many young people who are just as enthusiastic about our faith as the 10 of us from Christ Our Light parish in Loudonville who went. It took social skills to talk to all the other kids and do the activities of Camp Tekakwitha -- everything from archery to making Advent candles. I learned the power of music: Being in that stadium with 24,000 kids singing one song makes you realize how much music binds us together, during Mass and everywhere else.

"I also learned that adoration is a huge part of our faith. I used to think it was weird to tell God how great He was, because let's face it, He already knows, but it is the sheer fact that we adore Him that tells Him we love Him.

"I learned what a great deacon we have at Christ Our Light. Whenever a speaker was talking to us, Deacon Dick Thiesen would always make side comments, which made my experiences that much better. NCYC was an amazing experience and I can't wait to go again in 2017." -- James Nuqui, Christ Our Light parish, Loudonville

• "One thing that made NCYC so amazing: About 24,000 teenagers were pumped up about their faith. Every day started with music and dancing. I'm a pretty awkward person, but I actually felt comfortable joining in. Nobody would judge me. It didn't matter what state we were from or what our likes and dislikes are; people there were friendly and could relate to you. When dealing with people at school, you can tell you're being judged, partially for your faith. But that wasn't the case at NCYC.

"The workshops and speakers were amazing too; I mean, we had Paul J. Kim and Jackie Francois Angel. During a workshop, one minute you could be cracking up; the next, crying during meditation. Speaking of crying, all of us attended adoration in the stadium and nearly everyone was crying. The Lord's presence was so beautiful, it brought me to tears -- and the other people in my group, and people in front of and behind me.

"NCYC has not only helped open my eyes and ears to God, but has inspired me to spread the Church's and Jesus' teachings. I'll definitely be returning to Indianapolis in 2017 for NCYC." -- Mary Wenner, Sacred Heart parish, Stamford

• "The Holy Spirit was everywhere! NCYC was the best and most spiritual experience of my entire life. The biggest thing I learned from the experience was how amazing God is and how much peace He can bring into my life! My favorite part was going to confession for the first time since I was little; I felt so amazing afterward. I felt God's forgiveness and love stronger than I ever have before.

"It wasn't just a mellow, really prayerful event, though. I met so many people and made new friends who were just as excited about their faith as I am. We were all singing and dancing together to the beautiful music that filled the stadium! We were trading hats and pins and especially stories. I met people from all over the country and all different backgrounds -- even a couple of really cool nuns, a guy from Haiti and a group of people from Mexico! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to attend this amazing event that changed my outlook on life and how I want to live God's Word!" -- Hannah Lea, Corpus Christi parish, Round Lake

• "To see so many other Catholic teenagers in one place was amazing. They were all so friendly and enthusiastic. It was amazing to see so many teens proud of their religion. The speakers were exciting; the music was also very good. Adoration on Friday night with Matt Maher was so powerful.

"We were asked to bring a rock from home. They collected all the rocks and made an altar out of them for the Mass on Saturday. I was able to be an altar server for the Mass our Diocese had with Bishop Scharfenberger. I can't wait to go back in 2017." -- Sarah O'Leary, St. Patrick's parishes, Athens and Catskill

• "I had almost no expectations. I just went with the flow. The popular Catholic rock band For King and Country got the crowd excited. There were hilarious speakers and performers. I listened to a funny priest from New York City talk about the horrible things we see in the news: racism, sexism, war, poverty, greed. He talked about how to deal with all of this hate and walk in the footsteps of Jesus by loving and caring for one another and spreading positivity and love.

"Paul J. Kim talked about how growing up Catholic wasn't always the most interesting thing, but as he got older he discovered God's grace and understood why it was so important to be a follower of Jesus. He was very relatable, with a lot of comedy. Grammy winner Matt Maher performed many of his popular Catholic songs, and this was the moment I really felt the presence of Jesus. It was a metaphysical experience, and I'm pretty sure every one of the 24,000 people in that stadium felt something truly spiritual.

"NCYC let me rock out, work on my relationship with God, meet cool teenagers from all around the country, have plenty of laughs, eat great food, visit and explore a new city, realize things about myself and my faith, and overall improve my faith and my relationship with God." -- Sarah Meemkin, St. Henry's parish, Averill Park[[In-content Ad]]


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